Affibody Medical Investor Relations

Affibody appoints David Bejker as CEO


December 14, 2008

The Swedish biotech company Affibody Holding AB (“Affibody”) has appointed David Bejker as CEO.

David Bejker will assume his new role on December 16, 2008. He has experience from the biotech industry both as an investor and as a business developer. Most recently he worked at HealthCap, a family of multi stage venture capital funds. Bejker has previously worked with business development at Affibody. Mr. Bejker holds a M.Sc. in Business and Economics from the Stockholm School of Economics, where he was awarded the Karl-Adam Bonnier Scholarship to Darden Graduate Business School, Charlotteville, Virginia.

Bejker will succeed Erik Walldén who will be leaving Affibody after having concluded a restructuring of the company aiming for near term and sustainable profitability.

In line with this revised strategy, the executive management team of Affibody will consist of David Bejker (CEO), Lars Abrahmsén (CSO), Karin Nord (SVP Operations), and Johan Stuart (CFO).

“Affibody has recently revised its near term strategy which has led to an increased focus on collaborations and a subsequent reduction in the company’s financial requirements. The new management team’s primary task will thus be to further advance the company towards profitability and enhance the value of the company’s unique technology platforms – Affibody® molecules and the albumin-binding technology”, says Håkan Åström, Chairman, Affibody.